



(1. 成都动物园,四川 成都 610081;2. 四川农业大学动物医学院,四川 雅安 625014;3.成都野生动物研究所,四川 成都 610081)
Isolation and Identification and Antibiotics Sensitivity of non-human primates Salmonella in thirteen Zoogical Gardens
Zhao Bo 1,Li Bo 2, Wang Qiang1,3,Y u Jian-qiu1,3Yang Guang-you 2,ChenHong-wei1,3
(1.Chengdu Zoo, Chengdu 610081;2. College of Veterinary Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625014;3.Chengdu wild animal Institute,Chengdu 610081)
    Abstract:A total of 384 fecal samples were collected from 13 zoological gardens and examined for intestinal Salmonella. 153 strains of Salmonella were isolated and identified by a series of tests, including isolation of bacteria, biochemical tests, etc. The separation rate was 39.84%. According to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), antimicrobial susceptibility test, against 22 kinds of common antibiotics and other antibiotics, was carried out for the 153 strains of Salmonella. Our results indicated that the 153 strains of Salmonella showed varying degrees of drug resistance. They were of the highest resistance to carbenicillin (drug resistance rate: 95.42%). They had the highest sensitivity to imipenem (sensitivity rate: 90.20%). The phenomenon of multiple drug resistance occurred in all strains of Salmonella. One of these strains was resistant to 18 kinds of antibiotics. 123 strains, 80.39% of all strains isolated, were indentified to be resistant to 2-12 kinds of antibiotics. Variance analysis of resistance to 22 kinds of common antibiotics was conducted, and the results suggested there were differences in drug resistance among the Salmonella strains collected from 13 zoological gardens respectively.
    Keywords: Zoogical garden;Non-human primates;Salmonella;Biochemistry test;Antimicrobial susceptibility test
    沙门氏菌(Salmonella)是一类广泛分布于自然界,肠杆菌科中一种重要的人畜共患、革兰氏阴性病原菌[1]。其菌型繁多,抗原结构复杂,目前已确认的沙门氏菌有2535个血清型[2],我国已检出292个血清型[3]。该菌很容易在动物与动物、动物与人、人与人之间通过直接或间接的途径传播[4-7],不但会危害圈养及野生非人灵长类动物的健康,而且会严重威胁人类的健康[8, 9],人或灵长类动物感染后可呈无症状带菌状态,也可表现为有临床症状的致死疾病,主要引起发热、胃肠炎、腹泻和败血症等[10-14],从而加重病态或死亡率,或者降低动物的繁殖生产力。且由于抗生素耐药性的增加,导致许多沙门氏菌病治疗的失败[15, 16],也极大的影响着动物及人类的健康状况。
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